Agenesis of the Corpus Callosum ACCKIDS
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Agenesis of the Corpus Callosum...put in easy to understand words..the connections between the two hemispheres of the brain are either missing completely(C-ACC), or are partially missing(P-ACC).Some have argued that this is a natural split brain with each side working independently however, there are some ACCKIDS who have shown that both sides of the brain do communicate. The brain is a very redundant organ and CAN compensate for areas that are affected. No two children that have ACC present the same, which makes research on this condition very difficult, and almost impossible to predict the outcome of cognitive abilities. Many ACCKIDS do benefit from physical therapy as well as speech therapy, occupational and vision therapies.
ACCKIDS can run the gamut of related disorders such as, Septo Optic Dysplasia/ONH, Hydrocephalaus,Seizures, Spina Bifida, Feeding issues, CP,ADD/ADHD, Sensory Integration Dysfunction etc. Some are affected genetically although it has been difficult to prove that ACC is a genetic disorder. A good pediatric NEUROLOGIST is a must as they are trained specialists in brain disorders.(If your toilet is clogged, do you call an electrician?) A pediatrician can manage your childs overall health, but for ACC it is recommended to follow up with a neurologist at least yearly, as well as an endocrinologist and opthamolgist.

ACCKIDS..on email discussion group that provides support to those with an ACCKID in their life.Click here to visit our site

However your ACCKID them , cherish them, for they will show you the way.
Dana  Cassidy
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Read little Emma`s Story, although not ACC related it a story of truimph and courage.



The information found on this website is not intended to take the place of medical advice.
The information on this website is from my own research and from personal experience of having an ACCKID.