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The above information while medically accurate means so many different things to many of us.ACCKIDS are in a class of their own. As many of us have learned nothing is set in stone.The best source of information has come from parents and caregivers of ACCKIDS.ACCKIDS are not textbook, while there may be medical guidelines, ACCKIDS often follow their own course.It is important to relay to the medical professional as much ACCURATE information we as parents/caregivers can garner so they may LEARN how each individual ACCKID works. I have found that keeping ALL of my child`s medical record`s(medical reports, lab tests, growth charts, etc) in a binder has been invaluable.
It is my hope as a parent to one day have the medical profession completely versed on ACC. It is only through the hardwork of many ACC parents and caregivers this is possible.